Thursday, May 6, 2010

April 2010 - Girls Admitted into Pantai

After both girls spent a weeks in Pantai for a severe cough in mid-March 2010, I thought that will be that. Well, the cough came back with a vengeance, and after 1 week of listening to the girls coughing their little lungs out, we decided to go for one final appointment with Dr Eric Lim to find out once and for all what the girls are having.

The morning of the appointment, both girls started to show rashes on their faces. Dr Lim got them admitted straight away, but somehow Pantai was really busy, so I sent the girls back to Duta at 2pm, and at 5pm Azie got a call from Pantai that their room was ready.

They were given Room C512 and 513 in the lovely children's ward, complete with life sized clowns decorating the nurse's station. The girls didn't loose anytime re-acquainting themselves with their motorised bed controls, while I kept busy arranging their clothes in the cupboard, and setting up my bed for the night.

After the girls bravely went thru getting their drip installed on their left wrists, I copied the clown pictures on some art paper and got them busy colouring them, while I got to watch some National Geographic...kakaka.

Thank god the kid's ward has a cool chair that reclines all the way down, with a foot rest to go with it. Well, with my 6-foot frame, I joined both of them and boy did I sleep like a baby, totally oblivious to the cute nurses coming in the middle of the night to give the girls their nebuliser treatment.

Anyhow, the x-ray came back negative, so we waited with bated breath for the blood test results. Dr Lim mentioned that the girls are suffering from a viral fever caused by mycoplasma, which also causes rashes to grow on patients. Being the laymen that we are, we nodded in unison and promised ourselves to learn what the hell mycoplasma are on Wikipedia!!

On Friday, we we allowed to discharge, and by 1130am, we were home in Duta, and the girls squeeled with delight to see their Mummy and Bibik. All in all, it was a good stay, Pantai Medical has not let us down at all, and do I need to some real beauty sleep after a week sleeping on the blue reclining chair thingy!!

2 days later I received the first of many calls from Pejabat Kesihatan Petaling enquiring on the girls measels jabs...


feli said...

Lan....r u the one who worked in euro vision before?

Azlan Abdul Aziz said...

Felicia??? Halo, ya la....its me!! We were together in Raub ma.... Eh, you still duduk at Bangsar kah? Call or sms me, 017 623 7813